Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2010-2011 Loyola girls basketball-Photo submitted by Patrick Robinson

The Loyola girls basketball team raised $2,645.00 this past season to donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.  Team members gathered funds through the generous donations of many community supporters to support the cause for a cure.
Front row (l-r):  Ashley Mettler, Lauren Strachan, Hannah Gaspar, Laura Kottschade, Miranda Wolf, Quinn Adams
Middle (l-r):  Justine Compton, Aunikah Bastian, Jessi VanBlarcom, Jamie Menke, Jordyn Theuninck, Ana de la Llata, Erin Murray
Back (l-r):  Lindsey Solheid, Grace Hermer, Meghan Henriksen, Victoria Wingert, Kelly Headington, Mary Pfau, Jordyn Strachan, Marissa Lee, Marissa Frederick, Samantha Larsen, Alyssa Mettler

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