Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just like my great grandpa! - Glen Timmerman (click for story)

     When I, Glen Timmerman, age 93, of Mankato Primrose Apartments, arrived at my sons's home, Lee & Judy Timmerman on Madison Lake
the day before Christmas I was met at the door by my youngest great grandson Eli, age 13 months. We had not seen each other for several
months and in the interim I saw that Eli had now learned to actively scamper about on his own completely unlimited.

     When I arrived utilizing my walker he was seeing something of that nature for the first time, and he followed me all the way to a lounge chair in the living room where I dropped down.  Eli was obviously very curious about me walking with that contraption and he just stood there in front of me contemplating what he had just seen, eyeing both me and my walker for about a minute before he scampered off somewhere.
    I learned later that he had gone to his Toy Room and emptied out his toy basket, and now I saw was returning to me pushing that empty plastic clothes basket in front of him in much the same fasion as he had just seen me pushing my walker. He stopped right in front of me with a satisfied look on his face that seemed to challenge me to race, walk, or do something. I accepted his challenge, and for the next several minutes I walked around the house with him shadowing me every step of the way.
    I recognized this as being something very unusual asked my daughter in law Judy to see if she could capture it on film. The attached picture of the two of walking with our walkers is an unrehearsed action photo. Take a moment to look at the face of this very young child who has just accomplished something major in his life, and his beaming face seems to imply that he knows it.
   Elijah is the son of Jason and shanon Timmerman, both MSU graduates.  The familly now lives in Savage, MN., and Eli has 3 brohers and sisters:
     Brother Wesley is age 9.
     Sister Hanna Lee is 7.
     Sister Evelyn is 4.