Bovine House Call: A small herd of beef cattle express mild curiosity about me as they enjoy the sunshine on the lawn of an old deserted farm site south of Mankato.
His name obscured by time, he fought (and died?) at Shiloh. A member of the Minnesota First Regiment, now he lies in the shadowed quiet of a pioneer cemetery in McPherson Township.
I took a photograph of a tree at Sibley Park. When I took the photograph, I focused on the tree branches. I did some graphic design with this photograph. The finished design turned out to resemble a butterfly. :-)
There is a mystery to this deer that draws attention to itself. In him we have a glimpse of another world. His world -- which is very different from ours. What is it like to be him? What things does he know? What things frighten him or give him comfort and security. But the glimpse was so fleeting. In a moment he disappeared into the darkness of that pathway in the center of the picture (Did you notice it?). He was gone without a trace, and it would have been futile to try to follow him. But now I have that moment when we saw each other in a special place between our worlds.